Written by Forrest Milder of Nixon Peabody, Glenn Graff of Applegate & Thorne-Thomsen, and Sue Wilson of Enterprise Community Partners

After meeting with Michael Novey of the United States Department of the Treasury, Milder, Graff, and Wilson put together a list of Qualified Opportunity Zone issues that were preventing investments from closing, and would be the highest priority for government guidance:

  1. What Taxpayer must do the investing, and when?
  2. What kinds of entities can a Qualified Opportunity Fund be?
  3. What gains are eligible for Opportunity Fund tax deferral?
  4. Eligibility of property which is being newly constructed, rehabilitated or augmented
  5. Pre-Investment Financing
  6. Grace Periods for Investing and the Measurement Dates
  7. Other technical Issues


Click HERE to view the entire letter of QOZ observations to Michael Novey. For more information, please contact Glenn Graff or any of your contacts at Applegate & Thorne-Thomsen.